Friday, 22 February 2013
Thursday, 21 February 2013
Wednesday, 20 February 2013
Monday, 11 February 2013
Thursday, 7 February 2013
Husky and a Cat
Cats and dogs typically live together harmoniously, provided the
introduction goes smoothly. The introduction is important because it
establishes the dynamic that will prevail between the two animals. Dogs
are territorial and may respond negatively if they think the cat is
making a claim on their territory. This is why the introduction must be
handled sensitively by you and your helper. Huskies by nature are
predatory and the American Kennel Club recommends they be supervised
when introduced to small animals, but even predatory breeds can be
trained to live alongside cats
- Put a leash on your Husky. Huskies respond quickly to movement. The reaction of your dog to a new animal in the house is hard to predict. In most cases, the dog will be inquisitive and possibly agitated. Prevent any sudden lunges by keeping it leashed. This way, if the dog lunges you can do two important things; prevent the dog from getting to the cat and correct the unwanted behavior or lunging.
- Stand next to your dog at the end of the room and act as normally as
possible. Brace your legs. If the dog makes a break for the cat, you
need to be well-balanced to restrain it. Huskies are extremely
pack-orientated and retain a strong pack instinct. Your Husky may look
to you as pack leader. If you are agitated or acting differently, your
dog will pick up on this. By standing at the far end of the room, you
give the two animals a longer period where they are aware of each other
without being in close proximity. If the cat is brought into the room
and immediately has to contend with an inquisitive dog, agitation is
- Close all doors except the door to the room you are in. Leaving the door open is important because it gives the cat a chance to escape if it feels threatened. Forcing a cat to endure the presence of a dog when it doesn’t want to is counter-productive for both animals. Closing the other doors prevents the cat from escaping the house.
- Issue praise to the dog for as long as it remains calm. If the dog becomes aggressive or tries to get at the cat, issue a firm “No” and gently tighten your grip on the leash to make sure the dog can’t move beyond your reach. If the two animals approach each other, allow them to socialize. A typical cat is agile and smart enough to get away from a dog if it wants to, provided it has a clear exit route. After five minutes, remove the cat and praise the dog. Feed both separately. Repeat the process daily, extending the contact period by a minute each day.
Wednesday, 6 February 2013
Tuesday, 5 February 2013
Siberian Husky, Eye colors
Eyes: Almond shaped, moderately spaced and set a trifle obliquely. Eyes may be brown or blue in color; one of each or parti-colored are acceptable.
All Siberian
Husky puppies are born with blue eyes. Siberian Huskies cannot have
green eyes. You might see a puppy with eyes that appear to be green, but
it is an eye that is still changing to brown.
Different Types Of Huskies!!
he first Husky type we will talk about if your most common and famous “Show” Husky.These huskies are bred to fit the breed standard as laid out by a Kennel Club. Show huskies are bred most for there beautiful color, shape, perfect color pattern, and overall stunning and exotic appearance. The “Show” Husky is a wonderful type of husky, though they sometimes supper from a few health problems, and are not as efficient in the working field as the working husky, which we will talk about next.They are generally shorter, smaller, and weigh less then the other husky types.
Here are some pictures and examples of show huskies The first Husky type we will talk about if your most common and famous “Show” Husky.These huskies are bred to fit the breed standard as laid out by a Kennel Club. Show huskies are bred most for there beautiful color, shape, perfect color pattern, and overall stunning and exotic appearance. The “Show” Husky is a wonderful type of husky, though they sometimes supper from a few health problems, and are not as efficient in the working field as the working husky, which we will talk about next.They are generally shorter, smaller, and weigh less then the other husky types.
Here are some pictures and examples of show huskies The first Husky type we will talk about if your most common and famous “Show” Husky.These huskies are bred to fit the breed standard as laid out by a Kennel Club. Show huskies are bred most for there beautiful color, shape, perfect color pattern, and overall stunning and exotic appearance. The “Show” Husky is a wonderful type of husky, though they sometimes supper from a few health problems, and are not as efficient in the working field as the working husky, which we will talk about next.They are generally shorter, smaller, and weigh less then the other husky types.
Here are some pictures and examples of show huskies The first Husky type we will talk about if your most common and famous “Show” Husky.These huskies are bred to fit the breed standard as laid out by a Kennel Club. Show huskies are bred most for there beautiful color, shape, perfect color pattern, and overall stunning and exotic appearance. The “Show” Husky is a wonderful type of husky, though they sometimes supper from a few health problems, and are not as efficient in the working field as the working husky, which we will talk about next.They are generally shorter, smaller, and weigh less then the other husky types.
The first Husky type we will talk about if your most common and famous “Show” Husky.These huskies are bred to fit the breed standard as laid out by a Kennel Club. Show huskies are bred most for there beautiful color, shape, perfect color pattern, and overall stunning and exotic appearance. The “Show” Husky is a wonderful type of husky, though they sometimes supper from a few health problems, and are not as efficient in the working field as the working husky, which we will talk about next.They are generally shorter, smaller, and weigh less then the other husky types.
Here are some pictures and examples of show huskies
Next, we can talk about The “Working Husky”, These are huskies that are bred for Intelligence, ability, and hea
lth. These are dogs were NOT bred for appearance, so even though they are pure bred huskies, they do not have
These are huskies that are bred for Intelligence, ability, and health. These are dogs were NOT bred for appearance, so even though they are pure bred huskies, they do not have the classic markings . A huge positive point of a working husky is the Intelligence and health, they are usually much smarter and healthier and have way fewer health problems then the show huskies. Working Huskies are still used all over the world for sledding and working. Here are some examples of Working Huskiesthe classic markings . A huge positive point of a working husky is the Intelligence and health, they are usually much smarter and healthier and have way fewer health problems then the show huskies. Working Huskies are still used all over the world for sledding and working. Here are some examples of Working Huskies Next, we can talk about The “Working Husky”,
Our next type of huskies are racing huskies or “Alaskan Huskies” . There are shorter coated long legged thinner huskies used for racing. They are a form of working husky, specifically for racing.Here are some examples of Alaskan huskies!
Our next type of huskies are racing huskies or “Alaskan Huskies” . There are shorter coated long legged thinner huskies used for racing. They are a form of working husky, specifically for racing.Here are some examples of Alaskan huskies!
ur last category is my favorite, the “Woolly Husky”. There name sums it up, They were bred for there beautiful heavy coat. And actually, contrary to popular belief, they actually do just fine in Florida. As long as they have plenty of shade and water, and a nice cool environment they are fantastic.
Monday, 4 February 2013
How to Train a Husky Puppy to Sit
Training your husky puppy to sit is an important building block for
teaching other tricks. Once “sit” is mastered, puppies can learn other
commands, such as “lie down” and “roll over.” In addition, husky puppies
are typically hyper and teaching your husky to sit will help you gain
control in excitable times. Furthermore, huskies tend to be a
domineering breed and if you establish your leadership role by teaching
your puppy to obey your commands, it will aid in the training process
and your relationship.
- Select a treat that your husky puppy enjoys and place it inside your hand. Walk over to your husky puppy and hold the treat over his nose.
- Move your hand slowly over your puppy’s head. As he looks back at the food, he will fall down on his bottom.
- Say his name, then “sit” when he falls on his rear. Give him his treat and say “good sit,” and give him affection.
- Repeat this routine many times and begin to wean him off of the treats as he starts to understand what you expect of him. The ultimate goal is for your husky puppy to obey the command without needing the treat to do so.
- Practice this trick in different locations throughout your home. Huskies tend to jump on people; therefore, teaching yours to sit by the door will help prevent this behavior when guests enter your home.
Husky Bath, how to wash a husky
Siberian huskies have thick coats that can hide dirt which has their owners washing them too often. This dog’s coat produces natural oils which helps keep the coat attractive and reduces the risk of infections. Bathing a husky more than twice a month can cause elimination of its natural oils and skin irritation. Although giving a husky a bath can be somewhat challenging because of its thick fur, your dog will love you for bathing it.
- Brush your husky with a dog brush until there are no tangles or rats in its hair.
- Place your dog in the bathtub. Wet its coat with water using a plastic pitcher.
- Apply five or six drops of dog shampoo to the husky’s coat. Work into a lather by pressing and squeezing the coat to reduce tangling the fur. Lather all areas including its belly, legs, feet and tail. Apply more shampoo to its coat if needed.
- Brush the dog’s fur with the rubber curry brush. The brush will help loosen dirt deposited deep in its thick coat.
- Rinse the dog off until there are no more suds and the coat no longer feels slippery. Wet its face and add a small amount of shampoo, working it into a lather. Avoid its eyes and inner ears. Rinse off its face.
- Let your husky shake itself off. Towel dry any excess water off, then allow it to air dry.
Sunday, 3 February 2013
Hachiko: A Dog’s Story
Hachiko, the legendary Japanese akita, proves that there is nothing more
loyal than mans best friend in this modern retelling of a cherished
true story. It all begins when a college professor adopts an abandoned
dog named Hachiko. The two form such a strong bond that Hachiko walks
with the professor to the train station each morning and returns to the
station each evening to walk the professor home again. The routine
continues until one day the professor does not return to the train
station. Hachiko, however, does not give up. He returns to the same
train station at the same time, faithfully waiting for his owner to
return. Hachiko does this for more than nine years, until his own death.
This heartwarming tale that is already the stuff of legend in Japan is
finally making its way to America by way of prominent director Lasse
Hallström. With an equally capable cast, the experience of Hachikos
unending loyalty is certain to stay with you. Hachikos story is one of
love, unwavering devotion, and the resounding impact one dogs affection
can make.
“Huskies are very intelligent and trainable”
Siberian Huskies are loving, gentle, playful, happy-go-lucky dogs who are fond of their families. Keen, docile, social, relaxed and rather casual…
“The Siberian Husky must be counted among the most beautiful and dramatically striking animals on earth… understand the temperament of this exciting dog breed.”
Husky owners choose this special breed for their unusual and exciting temperament. These great dogs are playful, happy-go-lucky, loving, very
gentle and fond of their families. They have a keen, docile, relaxed and casual way about them. They do not bark, tend to howl and bore easily. Huskies are not good watch dogs and will be friends with almost everyone. They are most happy when around family members and are part of the group. Some temperament characteristics make the Siberian husky very popular as a family dog. Huskies are highly intelligent and can be trained. Because of their nature, training sessions need to be short. They are strong, stubborn and mischievous but can follow instructions only if the human has a stronger will. This Russian export requires patience and consistency or he will take advantage of the situation. You must become the pack leader to have control over this breed. Huskies are great jogging companions. They do much better in cooler climates due to their under and outer coats. These dogs were developed to run and need this daily exercise or they will become bored. ”This is a sled dog at heart and soul.” If a husky does not received enough mental and physical exercise, they can become very destructive. This dog is capable of eating your sofa. The husky is good with other dogs if raised with them from puppy hood. They tend to be aggressive towards cats. There are some behavioral characteristics that resemble their wolf ancestors. They eat very little compared to other dogs and can run great distances with very little water and food. This toughness made them ideal sled dogs. This breed likes to run and owners should be cautious when taking the lease off as your husky can be miles away before he realizes he is lost. Siberian Huskies can make excellent companions and family dogs as long as owners fully understand the breed and are willing to do all the necessary things in order to keep their husky mentally and physically healthy. The trends suggest that more people are owning dogs and treating them like their children and family members. This breed is becoming more popular due to these unique characteristics. You can fall in love with this beautiful and exciting breed.
“Siberian Husky Temperament And Why This Breed Is Becoming So Popular”
Saturday, 2 February 2013
Living with Wolves
All large breed dogs and even the mid sized dogs come from wolves. Pretty impossible to erase their DNA.
Wolf and a Dog
Wolves and dogs share the same ancestors and have many similarities, even though one remained wild while the other became domesticated. There remain, however, several physical differences between a wolf and a dog.
The teeth are one of the most distinct differences between wolves and dogs. Both have the same amount of teeth, but the wolf’s teeth are longer and they have stronger molars, which are used in killing and eating prey. Compared to dogs, the wolf’s jaw is also substantially stronger, exerting as much as 1,500 lbs. per square inch of pressure, approximately twice as much as the jaw of a German shepherd.
Both wolves and dogs have two kinds of fur. Long hairs create an outer coat of fur, and a collection of softer, shorter hair builds the undercoat. In wolves, the undercoat grows thick during late autumn and winter to keep the wolf warm through the winter. Once a year, during spring, the wolf sheds its coat. Dogs shed during spring, but also shed in autumn. Some dogs, including the German shepherd, will shed all year long.
Body Structure
Wolves have a muscular, narrow chest, while dogs have wide chests in the shape of a barrel. Wolves generally have longer legs than dogs, which gives them a longer stride and enables them to walk longer distances than a domesticated dog. Due to its physiology, the wolf’s back paw often lands in the print made by the front paw on the same side, which gives the impression of a straight line. Dogs are usually not able to align the hind legs to their front legs, and their tracks usually run in meandering zigzag lines.
Pre-Caudal Gland
Wolves carry a pre-caudal gland at the base of their tail, which enables them to mark other wolves within their pack. Domesticated dogs do not need the security of a pack, and the pre-caudal gland is absent in the dog species.
Female wolves only come into heat once a year, from February to March, while female dogs come into heat every 6 months, and are therefore able to give birth twice as often as the female wolf. While wolves regurgitate food for the young, dogs do not have this characteristic.
Friday, 1 February 2013
Training Husky to Howl
Few simple steps:
- Accustom your siberian husky to the sound by howling softly to your puppy.
- Reward your Husky when he replies whith his own howl to yours.
- Select and use a hand sign when you want your puppy to howl. It can be such as touching ear or tapping nose. Don‘t use this sign commonly because husky can get confused. Reward your puppy when he recognizes your sign.
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