The Siberian Husky loves life. Happy and affectionate, he’s a working dog but not a guard dog. His dense double coat makes him well-suited for cold climates, where he can’t get enough of frolicking in the snow.
Not every breed made its American debut with as big a splash as the Siberian Husky. A team of these lean, fast sled dogs, originally developed by the seminomadic Chukchi people of Northeastern Asia to pull sleds over long distances, proved just what they were made of while racing across the frozen Alaskan wilderness to deliver life-saving diphtheria serum to remote Nome, Alaska, in
January 1925. Some of the dogs were taken on a tour of the Lower 48 after news of the courageous men and dogs spread, and they were met with wild acclaim. From that day on, the Siberian has been popular.
For those looking for a calm dog to settle with on the couch in the evenings and maybe enjoy a short stroll around the block a few times a week, the Siberian Husky isn’t a match. The same goes for those looking for a devoted companion who lives to please and hangs on his owner’s every word.
But for people who want a dog to be a partner and friend, who will love children, greet guests, and get along with other dogs — and most importantly, for those ready and willing to provide consistent leadership and plenty of vigorous exercise every day — then a Siberian Husky will be a joy.
Although they usually get along well with other dogs, Siberians have a strong predatory streak and may consider small animals, including cats, prey. Those with multispecies households need to be extremely cautious with this breed.
As should be expected from a breed developed for snow country, the Siberian sheds year-round, but more so in spring and fall. On the upside, his short, thick coat requires little care, and frequent brushing will curb the shedding.
Siberians are not usually barkers, although they’ll often howl, especially to a siren. They are adept escape artists and have been known to climb over and dig under some pretty serious fences.

Neutering may lessen the sense of wanderlust, but don’t count on it: Siberians should be microchipped and have an ID tag on their collars at all times if you want to help ensure their safe return after an escape.
Although working Siberians often live happily in kennel situations because they get lots of exercise, relegating a Siberian to the backyard isn’t a great idea. He’ll easily become lonely and bored, and that means he’ll become destructive. Siberians are world-class diggers when they’re not jumping fences and wandering for miles.
Finally, if you are looking for a dog who focuses only on you or will protect your home, choose a different breed. Siberians do not grasp the concept of strangers and may instead greet all with enthusiasm. A Siberian does not a good watchdog make.
Other Quick Facts
Siberians can have blue eyes, brown eyes, eyes that are a little of both, or one of each color. There is no relationship between eye color and eye disease in this breed.
The Siberian’s passions include digging and running. These are not behaviors that can be trained away.
The Siberian has a strong prey drive and probably isn't the greatest roommate for cats and other small mammals.
I live in South Africa and I have a Husky she is a very good watch dog and protects me time and time again she is anti any men and only listens to me. Yes they do dig but Maya only digs to berry my socks. She does run out every now and then but will sit in front of the door when she is done and barks for me to open. She is lovely and always with me.